The main difference between Otto and Diesel cycle is that The otto cycle explosion process takes place at a constant volume process and the Diesel cycle explosion process takes place at a constant pressure process.
In this article, we will be studying the differences between Otto and Diesel cycle in very detail.
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Otto Cycle:
- The cycles are mostly found in an automobile engine. The fuel used in the Otto cycle is Petrol fuel.
- The heat addition takes place at a constant volume process and It is also known as the Isochoric process.
Diesel Cycle:
- The fuel used in the diesel cycle is diesel fuel.
- In the diesel cycle, the heat addition takes place at constant pressure and It is also known as the Isobaric Process.
- Here you can read Diesel Cycle in detail.
The below figure is attached PV and TS Diagram of Otto and Diesel cycle.
Otto Cycle | Diesel Cycle |
1-2: Isentropic Compression | 1-2: Isentropic Compression |
2-3: Heat Addition at constant volume | 2-3: Heat Addition at constant Pressure |
3-4: Isentropic Expansion | 3-4: Isentropic Expansion |
4-1: Heat rejection at constant volume processes. | 4-1: Heat rejection at constant volume processes. |

Difference Between Otto Cycle and Diesel Cycle:
Sl No. | Otto Cycle | Diesel Cycle |
1. | Otto cycle has low thermal efficiency. | The diesel cycle has high thermal efficiency. |
2. | It has a low compression ratio. | But This one works on a high compression ratio. |
3. | Otto cycle is also called a Constant volume cycle. | The diesel cycle is called a constant pressure cycle. |
4. | Otto cycle system is light in weight. But | The diesel cycle is heavy in weight. |
5. | The explosion process takes place at constant volume process and | In the diesel engine, the explosion process takes place at a constant pressure process. |
6. | The Spark Plug is used here for igniting the charge. | A fuel injector is used here for igniting the charge. |
7. | A mixture of air and fuel is entered in suction stroke. | Only air is entered in suction stroke. |
8. | Here the working fuel is used as Petrol. | The working fuel is used as Diesel. |
9. | Otto cycle engine is the high-speed engines. | Diesel cycle engines are not high-speed engine comparatively Otto cycle. |
10. | The engine starting is easy in cold weather too. | But here it is difficult comparatively Otto cycle. |
So These are the 10 Points on differences between the Otto cycle and Diesel cycle. Let me know by using the comment box have you understood or not?
I have also written on the Difference between Spark Ignition vs Combustion Ignition Engine.
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