The main differences between the lathe machine and the Drilling machine are In the lathe machine several operations like turning, taper turning, Eccentric Turning, reaming, threading, knurling, and many others we perform but in the drilling machine only a few operations like drilling, boring, tapping, countersinking, tapping, Polishing, and others we perform.
Today we are going to study the difference between the Lathe machine and the Drilling machine. The best parts are I have explained in very detail and understandable words.
Let me introduce you first to both machines.
If you already know then you can directly read differences just scroll down.
Let’s start,
Lathe Machine:
A Lathe machine is a production machine tool that we use to perform operations like facing, Turning, Grooving, Knurling, and threading with the use of a single-point cutting tool.
Here you can read Lathe Machine in very detail.
Drilling Machine:
A drilling machine is also a production machine but we use these machines for holes in the workpiece with the use of drill bit tools.
Here you can read Drilling Machine in detail.

Difference Between Lathe Machine and Drilling Machine:
I have listed 10 points on the differences between Lathe and Drilling Machine:
Sl No. | Lathe Machine | Drilling Machine |
1. | Lathe Machine is called the “mother of all Machine”. Lathe Machine performs more operations than the drilling machine. | Drilling Machines can perform less operation as compared to the Drilling machine. |
2. | Floor Size: Lathe require a greater floor size as compared to the drilling machine | Floor Size: The drilling machine as compared to the lathe machine requires less Floor area. |
3. | Portability: Lathe is very less portable as compared to the Drilling machine because the drilling machine can be taken to the place of the job(workpiece). | Portability: Drilling machines are more portable than Lathe machines. For example, a portable drilling machine can be carried easily to the place of the job(workpiece). |
4. | Drilling Operation: When the drilling operation is performed on the lathe the drilling Tool is stationary and the workpiece rotates. | Drilling Operation: When the drilling operation is being done with the drilling machine the drill bit moves and the tool is held stationary. |
5. | Lathe machines can perform operations like turning, facing and taper turning, threading which cannot be performed by drilling Machines. | Drilling Machines cannot perform operations like turning, facing, and taper turning. |
6. | Lathe machines are costly. | Drilling machines are less costly. |
7. | A highly skilled worker is required here to operate a Lathe machine. | Here semi-skilled workers can work on the Drilling machine. |
8. | Rigid in construction. | Simple in construction. |
9. | Power consumption is more. | Power consumption is less in the drilling machine. |
10. | Lathe machine is used for operations like turning, taper turning, Eccentric Turning, reaming, threading, knurling, and many other operations. | Drilling Machine is used for performing operations like drilling, boring, tapping, countersinking, tapping, Polishing, and others. |
Here I have explained in detail. 10 Points to understand the comparison between them.
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Question and answers:
1. In the Lathe machine, the operation we perform is a more comparatively Drilling Machine.
2. Lathe Machine is Rigid in construction and Drilling Machine is simple in construction.
Lathe Machine is used for making several components which are: Nuts, bolts, piston, ram, pump part, electric motor parts, sleeves, Aircraft parts, gun barrels, candlesticks, and train parts.
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